why steam?

When someone thinks of a carwash, the person usually comes to thinking about using some type of chemical, water and scrub. It’s perceived as easier and faster because this is what we are used to thinking. Truth be told, it’s the absolute opposite.

As the world continues to advance and progress, we continue to find more effective methods to do all sorts of things. Steam cleaning falls under this category. 

let us reveiw a few advantages to using steam

Steam will penetrate through the fibres on your seat.

 Steam is a pressurized stream of water; this gives steam the ability to thoroughly clean the inner fibres and remove all of the tough stains/spills on the surface or embedded deep into the seat.

steam has an expansive field of reach

Since it is not a human hand. It can clean multiple awkward places inside the car, may that be under the seat, the seat’s edges, under the dashboard, you name it, steam can probably reach it.

Steam is safer for your cars paint in contrast to chemicals

When it comes to the physical properties, steam is extremely hot water or extremely pressurized water, it is as harmless as regular water is to your car except it kills bacteria and does not facilitate rust. That is because steam is hot and dry. This gives steam the ability to thoroughly clean the whole of your car and remove all the dirt.

Steam has much greater room for error whereas chemicals are unforgiving.

With steam, a person doesn’t have to be as careful because steam cannot be that detrimental to most of the car. In a chemicals’ case, it’s quite different. If someone makes a small mistake around the engine or adds an excess of a chemical, the repercussions will become apparent spontaneously. If you are using steam, that is not something you have to worry about as significantly, but that doesn’t mean that you should go around spraying your car’s electronics with steam.

steam does not require a scrub

 One implication of using Chemicals has always been using some sort of scrub to facilitate the cleaning, which can lead to scrapes on your car’s paint. Obviously, steam does not allow that to take place due to how there is no scrub required for steam cleaning.

steam is environmentally friendly

Chemicals have a residue that lingers even after the car is rigorously cleaned. This residue can be harmful to your skin or raspatory system. Steam on the other hand is just water, so it’s absolutely environmentally safe and eco-friendly.

steam vs chemicals


Saving water with steam

Water usage is quickly becoming one of the main problems on our horizon. A lack of pure water and the generally more resource expensive filtration process that consumes a lot of energy and in turn produces some excess waste that can be ignored.

why should I care about saving water?

According to a paper written by Omar Ouda, only 52% of the people questioned in his paper knew about the water shortage problems in KSA (Ouda, 2013). Though this number might seem like a lot, people do not understand the gravity of the issue nearly as well as they should.

In another paper Omar Ouda published, he tried to project if the kingdom could reach a sustainable level of water usage by 2030, but on both his optimistic and pessimistic predictions, he found that Saudi would not be able to reach one. (Ouda, 2014) Fortunately, this does not mean that we cannot try.

The Guardian reported that the kingdom will run out of groundwater in what now is 9 years. (Michaelson, 2019). This is almost cataclysmic because an overwhelming amount of Saudi’s water comes from groundwater, and if we want to continue living in the same way we currently do, we have to be responsible for how we spend our water.

famous steam's place.

We are very weary of this information, and we plan to help conserve water by using steam to clean cars. A great alternative for water cleaning when it comes to every element especially water saving.

how does steam save water?

Steam was quite the interesting subject back in the late nineteenth century. People had discovered that it could produce electricity but the problem was that it was so hard to make steam to begin with. This is mainly why the idea of steam powered anything failed. 

This doesn’t make steam redunant though because humans have discovered other ways to use steam and produce enough of it. As discussed previously, steam machines produce a lot of pressure which makes it clean virtually everything thoroughly. This also means that not much steam is being used, which leads into the minimal water usage steam has.

Here are some stats for reference:

Steam only uses around 12 liters per hour Whereas traditional pressure washers consume 1,750 liters per hour. 

Crazy right? Well, you do not have to waste that much water anymore, just call us up and we will have your car cleaned wherever you are.


Steam cleaning is superior to any other type of cleaning whether it comes to how it effects your car, how fast it is to preform and how it effects the environment. 

Everything that surrounds steam shows how easy it is to use and how much simpler it is over every other form of car cleaning. It’s accessibility nowadays makes every other method of cleaning obscure. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself some sort of steam cleaner or get someone else to do your steam cleaning for you.


Steam cleaning is superior to any other type of cleaning whether it comes to how it effects your car, how fast it is to preform and how it effects the environment. Everything that surrounds steam shows how easy it is to use and how much simpler it is over every other form of car cleaning. It’s accessibility nowadays makes every other method of cleaning obscure. So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself some sort of steam cleaner or get someone else to do your steam cleaning for you.


  1. Ouda, O. K. (2013). Towards assessment of Saudi Arabia public awareness of water shortage problem. Resources and Environment, 3(1), 10-13.

  2. O. Ouda. (2014). Water demand versus supply in Saudi Arabia: current and future challenges. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 30. 335–344.   

  3. Michaelson, R. (2019, August 6). Oil built Saudi Arabia – will a lack of water destroy it? The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/aug/06/oil-built-saudi-arabia-will-a-lack-of-water-destroy-it
